What a Good Editor Does – and Why You Need One

So You Want to Write

What a Good Editor Does & Why You Need One 

TheresaeyesI love to write, but as a deep thinker, I can get a little philosophical. Translation – Wordy. My editor is fabulous and tightens all the fluff into far more meaningful phrases.  Here is an example from soon to be released, Salem Witch Haunt

My version – Soon, the fire fell to embers and the men slumped back against the rocks. I couldn’t tell if they were sleeping, but assumed they must be. I spent the next few minutes struggling with the cord, but finally stopped. It was useless. I pressed my head back against the rough bark and stared up at the starless sky. Gloom, thick as night, settled over me like a dark, heavy blanket. It was as if my spirit left my body, stood upright, took a step backwards and down into a hole so that just from my shoulders on up were visible. I was sinking into a murky quicksand in my mind, a place I instinctively knew would protect me from mental anguish, but a place I also knew I would not return from with ease.

Salem Witch Haunt front cover2
Release date – June 26, 2015

My editor’s version – As the fire burned down to embers, the guys slumped back against the rocks. I couldn’t tell if they were sleeping, but either way I spent the next few minutes struggling with the cord before finally realizing it was useless. I rested my head back against the tree and stared at the starless sky. Gloom, thick as night, settled over me like a dark, heavy blanket. I was sinking into a place in my mind I knew would protect me from mental anguish, but a place I also knew I would not return from with ease.

A good editor will help your incredible story be even better – ask around until you find the perfect editor for you!


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