Books by Author Theresa Sneed

Finally, after years of waiting!

3rd book in the Sons of Elderberry series releases 07/18/24

Sons of Elderberry series, book three, Missing Medallion

When Prince Mujina of Aureus Orbem, a mischievous Yōkai bent on proving himself, unwittingly shapeshifts into the fearsome Manticore using the ancient medallion, Mathusala, he unleashes Rebelles, the most dreaded curse of his people and becomes Rebelles, the prophecy. Though triumphant at first, will the burgeoning power become unstoppable? He must face and conquer the curse, but will he be able to control the raging beast, or will it forever control him?

Sneed weaves a beautifully complex story about elves, fairies, dragons, and wizards in her Sons of Elderberry series—a wonderfully crafted epic fantasy. If you love stories that take you to other worlds, you’ll appreciate Sneed’s ability to world build and create meaningful characters. -Zeigler

Sons of Elderberry series, book one, Elias of Elderberry
Sons of Elderberry series, book two, Wood Fairies of Estraelia

Brown Nose Bear came about one evening while tucking my young children in bed. As they pled for one more story, I spied a small brown teddy bear lying on the floor and Brown Nose Bear was born. My children laughed all through its original rendition and still love hearing the story of a small brown bear who tattles on his siblings at the most inconvenient times. It quickly became a favorite bedtime story.

Free eBook: Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction is Salem Witch Haunt verbatim. The only difference is added footnotes leading the reader to the primary sources Theresa Sneed used to write her historical fiction. As the 9th great-granddaughter of Susannah Martin, one of the women hanged as a witch, Theresa has a vested interest in telling her grandmother's story as accurately as possible. Add a teenage time-traveler to the mix and you have a delightful, enthralling story based on factual evidence archived over 300 years ago. Stranger Than Fiction is offered as a free eBook in hopes that teachers will see the value in using it to teach the stranger than fiction facts
about Salem, 1692

2Theresa14_previewWelcome to my corner of the world ~ I’m Theresa Sneed, author of the No Angel series, the Sons of Elderberry series, the Escape series,  the Salem Witch Haunt series, and my nonfiction books: the So You Want to Write, Fantastic Covers and How to Make Them, and Facing Mortality: Dreams & Other Significant Things.

All of my books are clean, sweet, and intense, with no profanity or sexually explicit scenes. Check out the awesome reviews for all of my books on, Goodreads, or right here on this website.

Most of my books are available in paperback, eBook, and hardcover. They’re all available in paperback and eBook. Leave a comment ~ I’d love to know what you think!


Salem Witch Haunt series:

Book one – Salem Witch Haunt 

Salem Witch Haunt UPDATEDfinalFRONTcoverJuly2017When she finds herself thrust back in time, seventeen-year-old Bess Martin, a senior at Danvers High, sets out on a mission to save her eleventh great-grandmother from the gallows-tree. With a near-perfect knowledge of the historical events about to unfold, Bess knows the untimely fate of many. The problem is that Bess has inherited her grandmother’s sharp tongue—a tongue that caused her grandmother to be tried and hanged as a witch in Salem Village, 1692. Can Bess stop the hangings and change the course of history, or will she share her grandmother’s fate?




Book Two – Return to Salem 

Return to SalemFinal June2017 FRONT coverThrough a series of ill-fated events, Bess Martin finds herself thrust back to Salem in the middle of the Salem witch trials. Last time, her sharp tongue earned her ‘high suspicion of sundry acts of Witchcraft’, and she barely escaped with her life. Will Hezekiah, the brave young man who came through the rift to the future with her three years earlier, follow Bess back to Salem and rescue her before her quick temper decides her fate?





Book Three – Salem Bewitched 

Salem Betwitched copied from facebookAccused as a witch in Salem 1692, teenage time-traveler, Bess Martin, narrowly escapes back to the twenty-first century. But she accidentally brings friends from Salem with her, including Hezekiah, the handsome young man who has stolen her heart. Warned that time travel was messing with her mind, Bess is reluctant to return again, but wants to help the unwitting travelers. Once back in Salem, she discovers a problem with the timeline she caused and now must fix. Unfortunately, it’s just days before the last of the hangings and the pressing to death of Giles Corey. Knowing she’ll witness the gruesome deaths of the accused, how will she be able to hold her quick tongue and not suffer the same fate as those hanged that horrific day in September?

As the ninth great-granddaughter of Susannah North Martin, this topic has always intrigued me. I researched it high and low, and what I discovered will amaze you. Every instance involving Susannah in my book, or any of the other victims of the Salem tragedy, is  based on primary sources. Let me know what you think. 

Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction, is Salem Witch Haunt verbatim. The only difference is added footnotes leading the reader to the primary sources Theresa Sneed used to write her historical fiction. As the 9th great-granddaughter of Susannah Martin, one of the women hanged as a witch in Salem, Theresa has a vested interest in telling her grandmother’s story as accurately as possible. Add a teenage time-traveler to the mix and you have a delightful, enthralling story based on factual evidence archived over 300 years ago.

So You Want to Write: A Guide to Writing Your First Book – book one

I’ve had many people ask me how to write a book. For years, I So You Want to WriteFRONTCOVERJUNE2017have added content to this website in response to that question, and so now I have compiled all of the answers into my first nonfiction book on writing. So You Want to Write: A Guide to Writing Your First Book is a short but informative book that takes the new author through fifteen steps from preparing a writing sanctuary to marketing.

Step 1. Get your writing sanctuary ready
Step 2. Schedule a consistent time to write
Step 3. Begin an ideas page or folder
Step 4. Brainstorm ideas
Step 5. Storyboarding
Step 6. Develop your writing
Step 7. Find beta readers
Step 8. Start a new writing project
Step 9. Revise and edit your manuscript
Step 10. Hire a professional editor
Step 11. Revise and edit again
Step 12. Format your book
Step 13. Create your cover
Step 14. Publish your book
Step 15. Marketing


So You Want to Write series book two – Fantastic Covers and How to Make Them


Theresa walks you through how to create the perfect cover with little out of pocket cost, including a bonus chapter on how to format your novel. Follow her as she shows you step by step how she created some of her fantastic covers!







Facing Mortality: Dreams and Other Significant Things

par·a·nor·mal     adj.  Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.

I was only nine years old when I had my first experience with the paranormal—definitely beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation. – Theresa Sneed

Facing MortalityFinalFrontCoverWhen author Theresa Sneed finds herself in the ICU with a condition her doctor would later reveal most people die from, she sets about pulling old files together to explain her unique beliefs based on her personal experiences.

FACING MORTALITY was written while in the hospital recovering from deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Throughout her life, Theresa has had some incredible experiences with the spirit world that would later drive her to write her NO ANGEL series and many of her other works.



No Angel series:

Angel with an Attitude, Earthbound Angel, Destiny’s Angel   Earth Angel and Harold Angel Sing are the first five books in the No Angel Series, with many more to come. People often ask me why I write about angels ~ I write about angels, because I believe in them. I can’t imagine that God would send us to earth without their extra help. Read my novels, and see if you don’t believe in them too!

A few reviews for the series:

Theresa Sneed tells a captivating story about the life we lead and the parallel world of angels and demons walking beside us. This book will make you laugh, cry and wonder about the life beyond this one and the angels and demons who inhabit that unseen world. ~ Kristy Tate

I was simply amazed with the character’s names the author came up with. The vivid details and the story’s plot were astounding. This remarkable book would make a wonderful and inspiring movie. I’m surprised nobody has thought of doing it yet. It has all the makings for one with it’s happy, sad and witty realisms of Heaven. I found myself with many emotions from sadness to fear to laughing out loud. It’s not a religious book but rather the author’s interpretation of what the hereafter consists of. It’s a delightful read from an excellent author whose ability to bring Heaven to earth. Thank you Ms. Sneed. – Mahjion

Book OneAngel with an Attitude (formerly called No Angel)

Jonathan StewartFRONTAngel with an Attitude cover is not at all happy about having to return to earth as a guardian angel, but it’s required of all post-mortal spirits to fulfill at least one angel guardianship. Fortunately, on the Guardians Unlimited application, he had the good sense to request a client with early-marked-death status, so he believes that while his stay on earth will be most unpleasant, at least it will be short. What he doesn’t know is that a spirit with EMD status can choose his or her time of death! Jonathan’s client, Celeste Knight, has a mind of her own and refuses death at every turn, leaving him stuck as her guardian angel in a place he only wanted to forget.



Book Two – Earthbound Angel  (formerly called Earthbound)

Earthbound Angel 2 FRONT cover

Heaven used to be such a perfect place . . .

As the time draws near for the first spirits to leave their home in heaven, a group of rebellious dissenters begins to appear at every blue-planet planning meeting, demanding that all mortals are ruled by compulsory choice, instead of having the freedom to choose for themselves. Daniel is a courageous Freedom Fighter who vehemently opposes the No Choice movement. Sophie is impressed by his strong desire to do what’s right . . . and by his intense blue eyes. But she also has a strange attraction to the handsome and ostentatious Coe, a leader of the No Choice movement, who has his sights on her and will stop at nothing to claim her as his own.

Earthbound Angel is set in heaven, because if you believe in angels, you’ve got to believe in heaven too, and I do. When I was a little girl, I thought that my spirit and body were created at the same time when I was born, but through study and inspiration, I have come to believe that my spirit was created a long time before my body, and that I lived as a spirit child in heaven with heavenly parents, along with all of you. So, I tried to imagine that . . . I hope you enjoy the results of my imagination.


NEW GOLDEN FINAL2016 Destiny FRONT cover2016Book ThreeDestiny’s Angel

Destiny’s Angel takes the main character in Earthbound Angel (the spirit child, Sophie) and has her born on Earth as Angie. As a teenager, Angie makes a few bad choices and finds herself captive on a cruise ship bound for Spain.

This book weaves the spiritual aspects of the first two books into realistic, mortal settings, retaining guardian angels and sheydim (demons) throughout. Destiny’s Angel is a suspenseful story about Angie trying to escape from the hands of human traffickers.


Book FourEarth Angel

Earth Angel brownFRONT (2)

Earth Angel continues the No Angel saga following Sophie, Daniel, and Coe on earth, and Jonathan and Celeste in heaven, as well as other No Angel favorites: Grace, Markus, and Horace, along with the ever annoying throng of sheydim.

The drama from the previous summer had died down and Angie hoped for a somewhat normal senior year at Foxcroft Academy High School. It would have been fine, if the handsome Liam Powers hadn’t moved into town. Unbeknownst to her, Liam, formerly known as Coe in heaven, is the one person she hoped she would never run into on earth. It would have been a lot easier if Daniel had been born in America instead of thousands of miles across the ocean. Will their guardian angels be able to get them together in time, or will Angie’s strong attraction to Liam ruin her chances of finding true love?


Book 5 – and my personal favorite, Harold Angel Sing

Harold wields the flaming sword of the Cherubim. A warrior in Heaven, he fights valiantly against evil. It is now his turn to come to Earth. Just as the Cherubim before him, he is born into a lesser-functioning body, for the trial of Earth is not meant to be his, but for all those he comes in contact with. He doesn’t always stay trapped in his body. In the evening, when everyone sleeps, Harold ventures out.

I’ve wanted to write this book for years. I have a personal belief that some if not all special needs children are far more than we see – you will laugh and you will cry throughout this book. It’s my favorite.



Sons of Elderberry series:

Book one – Elias of Elderberry 

Elias Rey, a fifteen year old student at Penquis Valley High School, is skinny, has a chipped tooth, and a bad case of acne. His favorite pastime is drawing dragons, and his room is NEW FINAL Elias FRONT cover 2016plastered with his renditions.

Tested out as a genius, he should be in college instead of high school, but he chooses to be with the only family he has ever known, his foster sister, Lizzie, and his best friend, Jaron.

Life is good, except for one thing – Brute, the meanest student at PVHS. Elias considers moving to be rid of Brute’s constant bullying, until one fated day, when a strange boy pushes a leather pouch into his hands, and then mysteriously disappears, leaving Elias to wonder who he is. Shortly thereafter, Elias discovers that the pouch contains Ilesar, an ancient papyrus that can give him anything his heart desires. He isn’t going to be pushed around. Ever. Again. At least, not by the school bully.


Book Two – The Wood Fairies of Estraelia

Wood Fairies FRONTcover2016How will Elias’s brothers fight the dark forces of sorcery and rescue Saulen from the dungeons of Sirusas? And what of the dragon egg that Adalee took from the caves in the eleven kingdom of Eldervale? Will she be able to keep the egg a secret in the non-dragon fairy kingdom of Estraelia? And what will she do if the egg hatches?



The Escape series:

Book one – Escape


Escape is a gripping suspense novel by Theresa Sneed. Theresa crafts a powerful mystery that grabs the reader’s attention and doesn’t let it go, even with the last word. – Rachel Andersen

Escape, by Theresa Sneed, is a well-crafted and timely romance. Fast paced, intriguing, with plenty of twists, this novel is a roller coaster ride. – Susan G. Haws, author

I just finished Escape and loved it. Read it in three days … the story pulled me right in, right away, and right on … I couldn’t put it down until I finished. I had to know what was going to happen. Great storylines, great plot, great villain. I will read the next one. – Amazon-a-holic

Sam recognizes the signs of abuse and gives her and Sally a safe place to hide, while he takes off on a perilous journey to Taunton, MA to clear her name from the nationwide smear campaign the sheriff initiates, and the reward money he cunningly hangs over her head. Sam must hurry before the corrupt sheriff uncovers the trail that leads to his cabin and to the young woman and little girl he is trying to protect.


Book 2 – You Can’t Hide


Held captive for years, Elle suffered horrific abuse that left her skittish, apprehensive, and afraid of everything. But her abuser is in prison, locked up, on death row. So, how did the distinctive, gold-lettered band from an expensive Cuban cigar, illegal in the United States, and the exact brand he smoked, wind up on the floor of Elle’s jeep? When she finds things that could only have come from him, she questions her sanity, and wonders if she’ll ever be rid of him, but that’s crazy—how can he possibly hurt her from death row?



Book 3 – Find Her Keep Her

Introducing, Find Her Keep Her the final book in the Escape series. 🙂

  Years had passed since Merrick Snyder’s untimely death, but Elle still wondered. They never found his body, and if anyone could survive a treacherous fall, he could. But, body or not, he must be dead.  Otherwise, he would have already resurfaced. At least, that’s what Elle kept telling herself.


I’d love to hear from you!





Theresa at her ninth great-grandmother, Susannah North Martin's memorial.

                 Theresa at her ninth great-grandmother, Susannah North Martin’s memorial.




  1. aubree lewis from your 5th grade class says:

    hi mrs sneed is me Aubree lewis from your old 5th grade class ,i hope you still remember i miss you alot and I know alot of the kids from the old class also miss you. i’m still friends with kate,alayna,emery, layla, addysion ,and kinly alot of the kids ended up in my class fom 5th grade like james, maci,kevin,max,and mason and alot of other kids to bad alot of other kids ar’nt in my class but its fun to also meet new people. are you still doing the writeing club during the winter ?and how are you doing? have you done any writing ?and how is maine?

    • Theresa Sneed ~ Author says:

      Oh Sweetie! Of course I remember you! I miss you and all the other students too! I’m not sure if I’m going to do a writing club or not because I’m crazy-busy trying to turn my writing into a business so I can reach more readers. But I will be in Az in January and I WILL stop by the school for a visit! And yes, I love Maine – it’s soooooo beautiful!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Hi Theresa! I’m so glad I got to randomly meet you at the movie theater before seeing “The Kid Who Would Be King” and that you gave us a business card. Your kind of books are exactly the kind I like to read! They all sound fascinating. Now I just have to decide which one to start reading first. 🙂

  3. Jamie Baer says:

    My sister and brother is are also the nineth time great grandchildren of Susanne Martin on their dads side. Which led to your books which I loved..well the first one..I plan to get the second one.. Just wanted you to know I guess that makes you family and thank you for writing the bills

  4. Patricia Jones says:

    Hi, I just finished reading the last book in the No Angel series. I absolutely loved them, however I feel like I was just left hanging at the end of them all. When is the next book for this series coming out?

    • Theresa Sneed ~ Author says:

      I am so sorry! I love this series too – I can not promise when the next one will be out. I made the mistake of starting multiple series (huge mistake) and now I am working frantically to finish them one at a time. My Salem Witch Haunt series will be finished this summer and then the Escape series as both of those series only require one book each to finish. No Angel is the dearest to my heart – I had wanted to finish all my other series, so I could concentrate all my energies on No Angel, but maybe what I need to do is finish SWH and Escape and then do at least the next one in No Angel before I tackle the Sons of Elderberry. I actually have two new No Angel books about 3/4 written. I will try my best – thanks for loving the series! -Theresa

  5. Lindsay Perodeau says:

    Hi Theresa
    I Just Purchased your Salem Witch Haunt books on Amazon and I can’t wait to start reading them. They popped up while I was doing some research on my 10th great grandmother who is Susannah North Martin and my 8th great grandfather Samuel Wardwell, so I have a lot of ties to The witch trials. If there is anything interesting you learned by researching Susannah I would love to hear about it! I look forward to reading your books, I have heard wonderful things.

  6. Robert Ahaness says:

    Hello Theresa. I hope you’re doing great. My name is Robert Ahaness, an award-winning poet working on the first novel.
    I couldn’t find any other page to contact you, so I write here in comments.
    I’m working on my first novel about Salem Trials and I’d be glad to get information you have on your great-grandmother and the Trials in general.
    I’m going to read your book, “Salem Witch Hunt” which seems thrilling and fascinating.
    Your help will be a great starter of my book.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Robert Ahaness

    • Cheryl Davies says:

      Hi Theresa! I haven’t contacted you in a few years. I’m the Gma who enjoys buying her grandkids goodreading material. I can’t find paper books on Amazon or Barnes and Nobel. Just checking, do you have books 2-5 of the No Angel series in the paper version?

      • Theresa Sneed ~ Author says:

        Hi! Yes, they are all on Amazon and soon will be available in other places as well. If you log into my website, it’ll take you to a sales page and then click on the book of your choice and it’ll bring up the link to the different sales locations. Thank you!! Oh, and I’ve added a review page for each book on my website (under the books.) If you feel so inclined, please leave me good reviews on my website and other social media places too – it helps potential readers to decide if they want to give my writing style a chance!

  7. Annie says:


    When will the second book in “The Salem Witch Haunt” be released? I couldn’t find anything on amazon. Can’t wait to read it! I loved the first book!

  8. Courtney says:

    I absolutely LOVED Salem Witch Hunt!!!! The ending left it open for a second book…I’m really hoping there will be one, I would love to read it!

    • Theresa Sneed ~ Author says:

      Thank you! As a matter of fact, there will be more books in this series – funny thing is that I had no idea and thought that Salem Witch Haunt would be a stand alone book, but the last page I wrote, it just came to me- definitely a series in the making! Oh, btw, I’d love a good review on amazon, goodreads, etc., thanks!!!!!

  9. Julie White says:

    I met you at the Pine Fall Festival and purchased a few of your books. Two as gifts for my great-nieces, one for myself. I finished reading Escape this morning. It was wonderful. Went to Amazon and purchased it for a friend. Also got some kindle editions of your other books for myself. Looking forward to reading them. Can’t wait to continue reading. You’re a talented author. Looking forward to the next book of Escape. Hope to see you again at festivals in Pine. Regards, Julie

  10. Sue A. says:

    There seems to be a running theme in your book covers, the use of calligraphy, which is almost a lost art forms. A refreshing change from the use of digital typography.

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