As the 7th great granddaughter of Susannah North Martin, one of the women hanged as a witch in Salem Massachusetts, 322 years ago, I have undertaken a special project. I am writing a fantasy/time travel laced with nothing but the facts, no sensationalism, just facts. However, I must warn you, some of the facts are out of this world.
Extensively researching all of the many theories on what happened in Salem back in 1692, and coupled with my own paranormal experiences, I am weaving together a credible story, allowing the reader to come to their own conclusions.
Salem Witch Haunt is a sweet romantic suspense/thriller with about 10% of it delving into Salem’s historical facts and people. It is a fictional story of a 17 year old student at Danvers High who after getting lost in the woods stumbles upon an antiquated village which she believes to be Amish. In reality, she has gone back in time to Salem Village, 1692. With the extensive study she has undertaken as a 9th great granddaughter of Susannah North Martin, and her uncanny ability to remember things, she is acutely aware of the danger she is in, but still determined to change history.
However, the one thing she must not change, is the thing she wants the most – the love of Hezekiah Hanson, her best friend, Trent’s ancestor, and quite like him, right down to his fantastically green eyes. If she alters Hezekiah’s future in the past, will Trent cease to exist in 2014?
Salem Witch Haunt will be available for pre-orders soon. Look for it’s official release on Halloween, October 31, 2014, the day in 2001, when my grandmother, Susannah Martin, was finally exonerated by the state of Massachusetts.
I recently took a trip to Salem to research places still standing and memorials erected to the tragedy in 1692. Here are some pictures ~ enjoy!

A local resident, out for a morning jog with his dog, told us that Gallows Hill Park is not the place the hangings happened, but on a knoll behind Walgreen’s. True? Does it really matter?

Inside the Witches House ~
Susannah North Martin’s Memorial ~ it needs flowers!
The rest of the pictures were just us goofing off and having fun ~