Second Interview with WABI TV5

3rd book in the Sons of Elderberry series

Missing Medallion has been more than ten years in the making – after writing book one, Elias of Elderberry,  I thought it was too thick, so I divided it into two books. Book two, Wood Fairies of Estraelia, ended the exact way the original book one had ended but with more developed characters and deeper storylines in both books. 

Some of the storyline for book three (the original book two) had been written way back in 2012 – at least ninety pages, or so, and then I let it simmer for years while I wrote several other books.  My deepest apologies for taking so long to get back to it. I was keenly aware that I had at least four genres going at the same time, so rather than going from one series to the next, I decided to finish one series at a time. I finished the Salem Witch Haunt series first and then the Escape series.

Missing Medallion has been a long time coming, but it’s finally here!  And you’re going to love it!

Funny thing, Missing Medallion,  at 481 pages, is a thick book too, which I am NOT splitting apart! Truth be told, I guess I like to write long stores, examining every storyline, and developing more interesting characters. 

At least now I only have two big series to finish, the Sons of Elderberry series and the No Angel series but I also have  a much smaller non-fiction series called, So, You Want to Write and have already started on the third instalment called, Go Wide. That being said, the next book in Sons of Elderberry will NOT take as long as this last one – give me a year or so but no longer than that, and I’ll be back to writing book four in this awesome series. In fact, I might even write the entire series before I get back to the No Angel series which already has five books. We shall see. 🙂
